Version 2.7
Released on Aug 26, 2023
What's new in this version
- The interface can now seamlessly display multiple devices concurrently (New)
- Contains an important Mine S Firmware update to version 1.6. This resolves the issue of a freeze that occurs during device usage. To initiate the firmware update, go to the Device Panel of your MineApp version 2.7 and click on the Update button. (Highly recommended)
- Added an energy-saving feature to automatically dim the LEDs when the device remains idle for a set duration
- Added the capability to sync with external MIDI sources for Buttons and Pad controls
- MIDI controls have been reorganized for improved user comprehension
- Now, you can set a default MIDI channel for profiles
- LED colors assigned to incoming messages for modules will now be preserved
- Added a visual representation of the MIDI Palette
- Resolved an issue where the potentiometer’s behavior was reversed when the Mine device was rotated (Fix)
- Multiple enhancements have been implemented to ensure the application’s stability and reliability
Please Note: Files updated with this version are no longer compatible with versions older than 2.3 of the MineApp
Older release
- OSC profile added (New)
- Contains an important Mine S Firmware update to version 1.5. This solves the use of different Channels with External MIDI Ports. To launch the firmware update please go into the Device panel of your MineApp 2.6 version and click on the button Update. (Highly recommended)
- Changed some text and layouts of modules pages for better understanding
- Options window added. You can now select the default profile for the project and Auto-set modules based on this selection.
- You can now open the MineApp menu on Windows O.S. by left-clicking on the MineApp icon in the Notification section.
- Incorrect list of MIDI Ports fixed (Fix)
- Miscellaneous improvements for application stability
Please Note: Files updated with this version are no longer compatible with versions older than 2.3 of the MineApp.
- Second Encoder message added. You can now press the Push button on the encoder while rotating the encoder to send a second Encoder MIDI message (New)
- Encoder sensitivity has been replaced by two parameters in the Encoder advanced panel: Step Increment and Acceleration. You have now more control on the Encoder Behaviour
Please Note: Files updated with this version are no longer compatible with versions older than 2.3 of the MineApp.
- Contains an important Mine S Firmware update to version 1.4. This solves some module identification problems, especially for the 2Buttons modules, within the application. To launch the firmware update please go into the Device panel of your MineApp 2.4 version and click on the button Update. (Highly recommended)
- High resolution CC 14-bit added for Pot and Slider modules
- Update with MIDI IN function added in Encoder Module. Encoder value is updated by the messages received in a way it remains always bonded to the value to control even in Absolute mode.
- Identification by number and name of Mine S ports in MIDI profile added.
- Port status visualization in MIDI profile added
- Correct and immediate update of all controls when values are updated (Fix)
- UI is now much smoother
- Incorrect routing of MIDI messages incoming under certain conditions fixed (Fix)
- Enable / Disable MIDI protocol with Status buttons (Fix)
Please Note: Files updated with this version are no longer compatible with previous release of the MineApp.
- Contains an important Mine S Firmware update to version 1.3. This solves some communication problems with the MIDI protocol. To launch the firmware update please go into the Device panel of your MineApp 2.3 version and click on the button Update. (Highly recommended)
- Correction and improvement in the selection and updating of properties
- Auto Slider orientation added
- Reverse MIDI value function for Pot and Slider added
- Now the 2 Buttons orientation adapt itself with the Mine S rotation (Fix)
- Improvement in the management of the application on MacOs.Â
- MineApp Configurator window can be opened only within one instance, avoiding errors.
- Management of multiple Mine S at the same time added
- Storage of the Rotation view added
- MineApp Engine icon moved to the header bar on MacOs
- Storage of Name and LEDs intensity is now working (Fix)
- Parameters are now refreshing correctly when deselected on MineApp (Fix)
- Unnecessary save dialog removed when closing the app (Fix)
- Identification of modules at startup improved (Fix)
- Compability issue fixed with previous macOS versions. Now supported from macOS 10.12 or later
- Rotation view on Mine S added
- Tooltip on parameters and settings added
- Sync active at startup
- Disable multiple MineApp instances (Fix)
- Verified Signature on macOS added
- Default option on Led Encoder now is working (Fix)
- MIDI In Enable/Disable option now is working (Fix)
- First release